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Recycled Electrons - PayPal Payment


Account Payment

By clicking on the following PayPal button, you can finalise any outstanding accounts using a credit card or your PayPal account.

You don't need a PayPal account, you can choose the "Pay with a credit or debit card" option.

Please be sure to enter a clear description of the payment so your account can be readily identified and any orders actioned post haste.

If we can't identify what the payment is for, we have no option but to wait for your email complaining about our slow service! ;-D


Pay Now

Useful information to include in your description would be: - Invoice Number(s),being for Domain Registration and/or Hosting or other consulting services. Also good to include the Domain Name should space permit. Many Thanx.


don't forget, if you use PayPal, only PayPal get to see your creditcard details...

PayPal:- a much safer way to buy on-line.


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